Alcedo Ornitologia e Natura
Alcedo Ornitologia e Natura
INTRODUCTION BY THE EDITORS: Hybridization is a real witchcraft. Who ever is "affected" by it suffers its impulses forever and in all corners of the world. In general the "noble art" is typically Mediterranean: Italy,Spain ,Greece,North Africa. The coldest nations such as France,Belgium and Holland are less fond of this particular and artistic branch of orniculture. Some countries however such as Germany do not see it badly.We like to underline at risk of repeating ourselves the scientific as well as hobby value of this real art. But that there was such an enthusiast on the other side of the ocean we just didnt expect it! When Charles wrote to us from the USQA telling us about his acrobatic breeding experiences , we couldnt believe our eyes. The amazement then returned when we discovered its origins...Greek! We are bacl "in the house" Charles has made a series of fantastic ,unique hybridizations as you will read from his writing. He sent us a short but passionate article accompanying it with beautiful photos that testify the goals acheived. Before leaving the pen to the good American breeder we would like to write a few lines on the hybrids with Yarrellii or American Siskin, so far very few with Canario and Venturone. Too few judging the beauty of this spinus.Moreover already breed for several years in this cold contiinent. What are enthusiasts waiting for to let us admire the one with verdone with Serin and above all with his majesty the Goldfinch? In the meantime lets enjoy the one between Tristis and Ventregiallo, obtained the good breeder (of Greek origins) Charles Loukeris
My name is Charles Loukeris and I am 46 years old. I was born in Athens Greece, and currently living in Massachusetts, USA. I have had songbirds all my life but started breeding at the age of 15. My father and my uncles were a great infulence in teaching me how to keep the native song birds of Greece such as the Goldfinch,Greenfinch and Linnet healthy. I have always looked for something differentand curently breed carduelids from all over the world with beautiful colors and excellent songsters. The African Yellow Canary (Serinus flaviventris) has always fascinated me for its beauty and song. It is a bird with an intense colorwith excellent singing skills that reproduces quite well and has adapted to captivity. Females tend to breed very well to the point where they can be used as wet nurses for other Carduelids and or hybrids.When prepairing to breed hybrids I keep them together for months to get the opportunity to get to know one another, first with a divider then bringing them together when I observe signs of harmony. To keep them fit and healthy I provide my carduelans with a good canary mix all year round with added canary grass seed as they do not fly much in cages.I feed them accordingly with the seasons with dry seed mix in winter,adding eggfood and greens and soaked seed in spring with an added Perle morbide I have been using with much success
Up to now I have produced some interesting hybrids using the Flaviventris such crossed with Serinus canaria,Carduelis carduelis,,Carduelis caniceps, carduelis Tristis and Linaria Cannabina currently in nest. All these hybrids have shown very good parentage,beautiful colors and true songs with many notes and are very strong and live for many years.