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Basic Mule Breeding
Before I get started into the basics of mule (in reality are hybrids) breeding I have to say that this type of pairings (wild finch X domestic canary) was to produce songsters that have metalic varied wild Carduelan finch notes and the freedom and length of song of a canary. I suggest to always to pair high quality birds together to produce superior birds. At one time this venture in bird breeding was called an art in Europe for many centuries and I have been breeding mules because of my curiosity , excitement and also for my own enjoyment just listening to the final product, thats why we keep/breed birds. The majority of mules / hybrids are generally infertile and usually female mules are used for fostering out other types of rare Carduelan finches or difficult types of canaries. The most common and easiest way to breed mules is to use a Carduelan finch male and a domestic canary female. Wild finches when caged act different than in the wild and when caged together with closely related species they tend to bond , if there is no presence of their species in sight.
To successfully make mules, you have to get the pair in high condition for breeding. Getting the female canary into this condition is not a problem but the key to get the finch in top condition takes a little work. They will need a constant supply of soaked/sprouted seeds, high protein egg food with added whole boiled eggs, and plenty of greens(romaine lettuce,broccoli,dandelion,etc). They will also require 14-16 hours of lighting while female canaries come into condition at about 12 or so. This is a problem and the results usually are clear eggs first round. To avoid this pair the female canary to a male canary first round to make more canaries for next year. Only put the male canary to breed with the female canary, but remove him so they do not bond. As cages are concerned a double breeder cage with a divider in the middle is a must. Keep the finch in view of his mate at all times with a wire divider and when the young canaries hatch and reach about 7 days old introduce the finch. Some finch males will actually feed the young canaries and then his own young. When the female canary is ready for round 2 so should the male finch. NOTE: Never trust a finch with an incubating female canary as they are prone to peck at or eat the eggs due to their curious busy/nature.
Some problems faced with mule breeding is that the female will not accept or reciprocate her affections and will not allow the male finch to copulate with her. To overcome this problem you will need a strong singing male canary. When the female has her nest ½ built place the male canary in view, when he sings to her she should initiate mating and the male finch should take advantage of the situation. Mule babies grow rapidly and are usually strong in the nest , so a good feeding hen canary is a must! Young mules usually leave the nest at 16-19 days of age and are self supporting at 30 days of age. Once on their own they should be put with the desired finch tutors or tapes to learn as much wild song notes as possible as the whole objective is them singing wild notes not like a canary. The final product should be beautiful unique birds that are powerful singers singing both wild finch notes and strong trills that will be very healthy due to the crossing of different bloodlines AKA hybrid vigor. ........They will give you many, many years of enjoyment!
Charles "Doc Frankenstien" Loukeris